Employee Experience

Handling H2R (hire-to-retire) process is now more efficient.

Palmate provides valuable support and guidance to the employees throughout their work journey.

By offering timely and accurate assistance, information, and services related to work issues, it performs the role of a virtual assistant that can contribute to a more efficient and engaging employee experience.
Employee Experience

Your New Digital Ally Transforming HR Workflows

  • Enhanced Employee Support: Provides employees with 24/7 access to corporate company policies, procedures, and systems through digital communication channels.
  • Streamlined HR Processes: Eliminates non-value-added workloads on human resources by automatically handling repetitive questions, adhering to rule-based process steps, and fulfilling document requests.
  • Data-driven Insights: Helps HR take proactive and strategic steps by monitoring on which topics employees are focusing during specific periods.
Try Demo for Free

Add unique features to HR
with converstional AI!

  • HR Support
    HR Support
    Instant access to HR information, benefits, and policies
  • Onboarding Assistance
    Onboarding Assistance
    Guiding new employees through company processes
  • Knowledge Base Access
    Access to Knowledge
    Easy search and access to relevant information
  • Task Automation
    Task Automation
    Automating routine tasks for increased productivity
  • Feedback and Surveys
    Feedback and Surveys
    Gathering employee feedback on performance and satisfaction
  • HR Support
    Proactive HR Efficiency
    Unveil subtle workflow issues

Use Cases

Palmate’s intelligent automation is geared toward making H2R (hire-to-retire) processes
more efficient by eliminating repetitive tasks in communication and data entry.

Establish a robust assistance system for job applicants, ensuring quick responses and seamless integration with the Applicant Tracking System for real-time updates on application status which fosters transparency and efficiency for both HR and candidates in the process.
Optimize onboarding with personalized guidance for employees navigating company rules, workflows, and IT systems through a single dialogue channel. Simplify access to policies, fostering efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing overall employee well-being.
Empowers interactive engagement through the utilization of surveys and personalized communication tailored for individuals and focus groups. Identifies subtle workflow issues and integrates targeted interventions, enhancing HR efficiency for proactive workforce management.
Use Cases